School Psychologist / Adolescent Therapist


Counsel students individually and in small groups in a small private school for grades 8 through Post-Grad. The role of a school psychologist is to provide critical social-emotional support, assessment, training, and /or intervention so that each student can access his/her education. Job responsibilities include delivering classroom instruction to develop emotional regulation and social skills, providing counseling services, meeting with athletic teams, and completing psycho-educational evaluations for students. This position requires close collaboration with special education teachers, coaches, guidance, and parents.


Special skills preferred: Experience working with highly motivated student-athletes. Experience mentoring mental strength skills to further enhance student academic/athletic performances. A strong background in and enthusiasm for athletics is helpful.


Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree; MS Preferred; Commitment to ensuring academic success for all students, Appropriate licensure or certification; Minimum of 2 years experience in an academic or athletic setting; and high interest/experience with the social/ emotional/ academic needs of adolescent athletes and students.


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